Comments on: Semantics for Exceptions and Interrupts Tue, 25 Oct 2011 16:59:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Greenberg Tue, 09 Jan 2007 01:55:55 +0000 Interesting! I may not understand what you wrote correctly, but it seems like it’s simply a bug/nonconformance in GHC’s output — the exception queue isn’t being checked when the block is left. It seems feasible to check for exceptions after blocking, e.g. POSIX signals are checked at every context switch. So: why is this still a problem? Is GHC compiling down to primitives that don’t have guarantees for inter-thread communication, or is there some other barrier?

By: ChrisK Tue, 09 Jan 2007 01:30:55 +0000 Since you mention a difference between the theory and implementation of throw and block, I would like to point out another important difference. The “unblock” command does not reliably allow exceptions to be delivered. My page on the gory details is up on the wiki:
